GL Update 10/3


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It's a new month! Boooo it's fright month! And new updates on the GL forums.

Welcome everyone to the tenth forum update of the year! Got a few updates, so let us get the usual out of the way as always...

---- Of the Month ----

Congrats to Artisan Vistra Artisan Vistra for so many great post coverage of TGS, Sony and Nintendo direct! Thank you so much :)

Topic of the month: "Aliens" shown in Mexico

---- Still Fixing ----

Sorry these are taking so long, but the following I'm still trying to fix:

  • User style for fonts, sparkles, ect.
  • Arcade
  • GL Store revamp

If anyone knows some coding/javascript, could use some help on the arcade ^^;

Will try and get them up fully this month! If I don't have to deal with downtime again >_>

Speaking of which...

----New Hosting ----

Due to ongoing DDoS attacks, we were forced to move to a better (and faster?) hosting! Find all details here: Host Move Complete

I'm just waiting for email function to be allowed by the hosting, and we should be as we previously were!

---- September Awards ----

Has been given out to the top posters! Congrats as always!

---- Social Media Channels ----

A great big thanks once more to Altair Altair for setting up some social channels for GL! Please check them out in this topic: Support our social channels

And that is it! Hard to believe we are nearly at the end of another year, all the holidays are coming upon us and the weather is cooling off. I hope you all have a wonderful fall and enjoy all the new games coming out!

---- Stats ----

We currently have 515,937 posts and 4,179 members. In this last month we made over 1,655 posts! And one active member.
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Thank you for the update.

If you do not mind me asking, what issues are you having with the Arcade?

The worst enemy of my life, coding.

The arcade runs with an API that will pull scores, but seemingly you need to put in a code into the game js file to call out to the api. There is some example code given by the arcade maker but I'm thinking it needs to be detailed to each game.

I say this because I have a game from the arcade make that submits a score, but when I tore the code apart, I'm not finding anything remote close to the example code.

Just need someone with more programming/code experince to look at it and explain it so I can get it work for any HTML5 game, which the maker claims will work with any score keeping game. And if not clear by now, the support person is a different lanauge person who don't seem keen on helping me all the way.

There is a paypal reward of course for anyone willing to give me their time with this.
The worst enemy of my life, coding.

The arcade runs with an API that will pull scores, but seemingly you need to put in a code into the game js file to call out to the api. There is some example code given by the arcade maker but I'm thinking it needs to be detailed to each game.

I say this because I have a game from the arcade make that submits a score, but when I tore the code apart, I'm not finding anything remote close to the example code.

Just need someone with more programming/code experince to look at it and explain it so I can get it work for any HTML5 game, which the maker claims will work with any score keeping game. And if not clear by now, the support person is a different lanauge person who don't seem keen on helping me all the way.

There is a paypal reward of course for anyone willing to give me their time with this.
If you wanna PM more info on this I may be of assistance. Or I can atleast point you in the right direction.
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