A A Amyntas Nov 3, 2011 Hey remember me? Well my cousin Porkman was still thinking of making that Pokemon comic and he wanted to know if you still wanted to have your character in it.
Hey remember me? Well my cousin Porkman was still thinking of making that Pokemon comic and he wanted to know if you still wanted to have your character in it.
CM30 Sep 11, 2011 Wow, a long time offline for a staff member, even with the explanation of a broken computer.
Z Z Zaphire/Shelke Sep 4, 2011 -poke the leave a hat with lynx eyes glares- hope your okay with awesome days around you
Arpegius Jul 26, 2011 Hey Arcella, just dropping by to say hello! The forum is looking awesome isn't it? Though it looks like your avatar is still in limbo. Hmm...
Hey Arcella, just dropping by to say hello! The forum is looking awesome isn't it? Though it looks like your avatar is still in limbo. Hmm...
NintendoChannel Jul 14, 2011 Okay... but you DO know that I visit many sites that do the same thing for free?
NintendoChannel Jul 14, 2011 Actually, it doesn't matter. Turns out my VMs don't get to your wall properly, huh?
S S Star Bright Jul 10, 2011 Leave for a week at Disneyland and apparently I missed a ton. HolycraphowyoudoinghowyoufeelingHOWARTTHOU?!
Leave for a week at Disneyland and apparently I missed a ton. HolycraphowyoudoinghowyoufeelingHOWARTTHOU?!