Recent content by AthleticTypist

  1. A

    How do Sony fans feel about the new paid multiplayer?

    They kind of snuck that in there during the round of applause we were giving them for allowing used games.  I am a Playstation Plus subscriber, but I don't feel it should be mandatory.  There ARE a lot of great features to PS+, but I could see that dwindling now that everyone will have to have...
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    Do you eat a lot of fast food?

    Because of the location and nature of my job, I have fast food once a day, everyday.  However, I do make healthy choices.  You'll never see me order a burger and french fries.  I'll get salads without the condiments, a lot of wheat turkey subs and grilled chicken.  As I stated in an earlier...
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    $6,000 futuristic chair

    Am I the only one that thinks this looks a like a glorified dentist or eye doctor chair?  For $21,000, that thing better do a lot more than what it's showing.
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    Is Gaming Destined To Become A Hobby For The Wealthy?

    The thing is back in the 90s there were fantastic deals on renting games.  I'm 25 now and as a kid I remember going to the video store and having the time of my life.  For example, Blockbuster and Movie Gallery always had the rent "5 games, for 5 nights, for $5".  People may not have been able...
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    Are Mini-Desktops like the Mac Mini, nettops, and Intel NUC good for casual PC gaming for "Casual ga

    If you just want to play very old, Android or browser based flash games, sure they're a great option.  However, any power user would suffer mightily on one of those things.  It definitely would not be good for any sort of gaming, not even low to mid for that matter.  I'd get those type of...
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    What next Gen Console will you get?

    I'll be purchasing the PlayStation 4 first, however I will not be getting it on the launch date.  I will wait a few months to ensure some of the bugs seen in launch day systems are worked out, and who knows maybe get a price drop in the process.  Also,  Ii's not that Sony has impressed or...
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    Favorite Internet Games

    Team Fortress 2 on Steam.  It's always great to waste a few hours playing it.  It's simple and always action packed.  I grew up on Team Fortress Classic, so when they made Team Fortress 2 free on Steam I had to jump on it.  I recommend it for everybody if you haven't played it before.
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    Your favorite controller of all time?

    I've struggled finding the perfect controller my whole life.  I have short thumbs and so gaming can sometimes be a pain, literally, as I actually developed some sort of damage in my thumb from gaming as a teenager. So, what do you consider to the best? It can be from any system, first party...
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    Best video game plot twists

    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.  That twist came out of nowhere.  My childhood self was stunned, haha.  It still is one of my favorite moments in gaming.
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    Allow me to introduce myself...

    Hello all, I've been a huge gamer all my life, as most of you on this forum.  I got my first console, the NES, when I was 3 and haven't looked back sense.  I'm looking forward to this generation, although I'm sort of nervous about what the future of gaming holds given the information regarding...
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    Playstation 3 vs Xbox 360

    Overall, I'd give the edge to PS3.  In the end, there's just more exclusive AAA titles.  Series like Uncharted, Resistance, Killzone, Ratchet and Clank, etc blow the Xbox exclusives out the water.  360 started to evolve more into an entertainment system rather than a game system.  We see that...
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    Last thing read?

    The back of a Baked Lays BBQ chip bag.  They also have now been eaten. 
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    [old]General Edge Gamer Chat

    Summer vacation is such a thing of the past.  It's funny I feel that way, and I just graduated last year  :lmao:
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    What are your plans for this summer?

    Get ripped!  Seriously though, I've been training really hard this summer and hope to be completely jacked by Labor Day.  Other than that, I'm just going to take it easy, do some GAMING and hang out with my buddies.  After summer is over though, I'm ready for football season!
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    Is there privacy in this world?

    There is no true 100% privacy.  Your monitored in every aspect of life to an extent.  If you have a smartphone, your location can be known at all times.  Your employer knows what you're doing online or on computers.  When you're driving, there are hidden cameras everywhere to catch your license...