Recent content by Becca

  1. Becca

    Do You Enjoy The Challenge of NES Games?

    I do like them, but I have to be in a certain mood to play them. Some days I just get too easily frustrated and it's not fun. I remember Castlevania in particular being a game that really frustrated me (still does sometimes). But you're right, I feel pretty accomplished when I win!
  2. Becca

    Android vs iOS: A pointless argument

    I don't think the debate will ever end. I like both and I think both have great benefits. I have also owned both iPhones and Android phones, and I personally prefer iPhone. Not because I think it's better, but it's just a personal preference. I agree that it's annoying to see others criticizing...
  3. Becca

    Anime series that you plan to re-watch

    I'd definitely re-watch Gundam as well. It seems like one of those shows that would actually be more fun to watch as an adult maybe. I also want to re-watch Dragon Ball Z, the original one. I haven't watched it in years and I think it would be really fun to see again.
  4. Becca

    When's the Last Time You've Been To An Arcade?

    It's been a pretty long time! I think the last time I was in one I played Dance Dance Revolution (which I despise but play anyways) and I love the racing games and Pac-man. An indoor water park I worked at for a few years had an arcade, but I never went in to check it out.
  5. Becca

    PSP Do you still use a PSP?

    I still have mine somewhere, but I only have a few games for it and never really played it a whole lot anyways, but it was fun when I did. I'm working on creating a game closet in my house for all of the my old consoles- I just can't bear the thought of throwing them all away or selling them...
  6. Becca


    I love strawberries, grapes, peaches, mangoes, blueberries, and recently dragonfruit..I bought some Welch's dragonfruit mango juice from the grocery store a few weeks ago, and I've bought two more cartons of it since, it is so good, and it's a fun pinky purple color haha. :)
  7. Becca

    Has anyone watched Ranma 1/2?

    I read the manga, I'm not sure that I even knew it was an anime though! I may have to go look that up. I'm assuming that Ranma and Akane are just as annoying in the anime (if not more, since you have to hear them talk haha!) I always liked Ukyo the best, she was cool. Akane always reminded me of...
  8. Becca

    Rise of the Tomb Raider

    The last Tomb Raider game I played was Angel of Darkness (ugh) so I really need to catch up..this one looks great, looks like a beautiful game.
  9. Becca

    Is it cruel to put the elderly in nursing homes?

    I would say it depends on the nursing home, and on the situation. If they didn't need to be, but a son or daughter put their parent in a nursing home just so they didn't have to deal with them anymore, then that's cruel. But if they have dementia or something else that is hard to care for, I'd...
  10. Becca

    Would you rather receive an iPhone or an iPad?

    I already have an iPhone, so I'd probably pick the iPad. I currently don't use a tablet (just use my phone for all that) but it'd be nice to watch Netflix on a bigger screen that wasn't a laptop. I need to get an HDMI cable...
  11. Becca

    Your current desktop/wallpaper

    I'm the same way with the desktop OCD, Archer! I can't have more than 4 or 5 icons on my desktop or it makes me mad haha. Right now I have a photo of an orca whale jumping out of the ocean that I took when I went whale-watching in Washington last year. I may change it up soon.
  12. Becca

    Would you press the button?

    I'm pretty evil anyways, so yeah, I probably would haha. Kidding, but that's an interesting concept! Would make a cool backstory for a supervillian- they have these incredible powers, but can only use them for evil!
  13. Becca

    Pokemon Sun and Moon - your wishes, ideas ?

    So excited for it! I'd agree with more post-game. When there's that little to do afterwards, I end up tossing the game in my drawer and not playing it again until years later. I would love more quests after the Elite Four.
  14. Becca

    What Was Your First Big PC Game?

    I want to say it was Myst. I was only about 6, and obviously never was able to beat it until later, but I had fun walking around in the game and just exploring the environment. Now there's a remastered version, which I haven't played, but it looks cool. Not sure how it is.
  15. Becca

    what are you listening to right now?

    I have Animal Crossing: New Leaf on my 3DS playing in the background while I work, so I'm listening to that music. It's starting to get annoying though.