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  • ._. So,Nui lost her arms in the battle with Ryoku and practically everywhere i go on the internet i can't find a single place that doesn't make a pun on that.For example,on Facebook i keep finding "Need a HAND,Nui?" and all that stuff.This is the only place nobody has done so,yet...
    Spoilers :p
    Can't wait for the finale.
    oh, and her name is Ryuuko.
    Cherry Blossom
    OMG im counting down on the days until the end.Sadly Animes now don't seem to last long :( But they are getting better,atleast.And it doesn't really matter the way its spelled,an extra U or not the japanese just wanted an affective pronunciation.
    Everyone is happy and cant wait for the upcoming pixar movies to come out.Meanwhile im just sitting here waiting for Newt to...come back from the dead. ;_;
    Is there something certain wrong about this website? Im looking at past users who just like....left.For example,some guy called shoutmon just like rage quitted oe something.I don't understand,everyone here is nice...so why would someone want to leave?
    Lord Regal
    Lord Regal
    I count posts as being within a thread. Comments on statuses are still rare for me, but less so…and then my blog goes whenever I have time for it (which I'm severely overdue for…sigh…) I was more active here a couple years ago than I am now, but I'm still here.
    Dark Young Link
    Dark Young Link
    Hey, you, no not- not you, you, Lord Regal, stop lurkin' and do some postin' why don'tcha. Look at all these super happy sunshine topics. Like this one. Or that one. Or the one waaaay over there. *points*
    I've been on these forums exactly two months after the site was born.
    Just WHEN will Sakurai announce Yoshi for super smash brothers 4? I refuse to buy it unless he makes it in .~.~
    Cherry Blossom
    From the looks of it,Sakurai missed the opportunity to reveal Yoshi before Yoshi's New Island.That's what I was expecting...but it didn't happen ._.
    Dark Young Link
    Dark Young Link
    Yeah I'm sure Yoshi will be in it. I mean I feel the same way about Ness. I mean I'll buy it if Ness isn't in it, but I'll be greatly disapointed. However both have been around since the N64 days so I guess he's not announcing Yoshi because he figures people can already assume he'll be in.
    Cherry Blossom
    Well,Sakurai seems to be the taking the roster pretty seriously.Yoshi should've been announced AGES ago.Like back at e3.You can announce Olimar but not Yoshi...?Ok.King Dedede? alrighty then...
    Has anyone took notice to the fact that Treecko and it's evolution are gecko (which eat insects), yet they are all weak to the bug type? o_O Logic,Nintendo
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