Recent content by datubaman1984

  1. D

    Xbox One Price

    Yeah, because I want to pay 500 dollars for a machine that is going to snoop on me and won't let me buy used games.  I almost buy used games exclusively these days, as I get tons of member benefits at GameStop.  Microsoft screwed the pooch and I have a feeling they will lose revenue on this system.
  2. D

    Elder Scrolls Online

    WOW!  Just saw that it supports Mac!  I wish TOR would have done that.  This might end up being my replacement for WoW, once and for all.  I didn't get into the Elder Scrolls until Skyrim, but I think, with the right touches, this game could be fantastic!
  3. D

    The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

    Looks pretty cool!  I enjoyed Phantom Hourglass, but Spirit Tracks was severely lacking.  I might have to go pick up another 3DS (traded mine in toward the cost of a new XB360) so that I can give this a shot. 
  4. D

    Mario Kart 8

    Eh.  The last Mario Kart game that I played religiously was Mario Kart 64.  I really don't like the idea of making the game harder than it already is (Mario Kart for Wii, anybody?).  When I pick up the Wii U, I don't think I'll be including Mario Kart in my purchase. 
  5. D

    Super Smash Bros. 4

    I'm excited for Mega Man to be included in this iteration of SSB, however, I don't like the character sprite that they decided to use.  I was hoping for more of an adult looking Mega Man (not X, but a little less cartoony....I guess I've listened to the band The Protomen for too long).  I bet he...
  6. D

    games they won't make a movie for, but should!

    My top three would have to be Metroid, Metal Gear, and Mega Man.  As a Protomen fan, I really wish that someone would write up a treatment for a Mega Man trilogy with many of the same dark undertones that The Protomen have set in their music.  Metroid would make an epic trilogy, and Metal Gear...
  7. D

    Iron man 3

    Without giving away too much, I was kind of disappointed with IM3.  The way that they portrayed a certain villian was, in my opinion, an injustice to the long standing reputation of one of Tony Stark's oldest, and toughest foes.  Overall, the action sequences were pretty top notch, and I...
  8. D

    Sony wins E3 2013

    Totally agree.  Sony took the cake at E3, and I think I'll be in line for the PS4 when it comes out.  Microsoft really "screwed the pooch" by not listening to its fans.  Honestly, I'm not entirely impressed with any of the next-gen consoles, and I might end up going back to PC gaming in the near...
  9. D

    Hello fellow gamers!

    Hey everybody!  I'm glad to be a new member of Gaming Force.  I've been a gamer since the time I could walk and have a lot of exposure to a wide array of games.  Right now, I'm playing a lot of League of Legends (My favorite right now is Ryze), WoW (90 Human Demon Lock), and L.A. Noir.  I'm...