Recent content by Dead2009

  1. Dead2009

    Happy Mario Day!

    i played a little bit of Mario vs Donkey Kong before work lol
  2. Dead2009

    PC/Mobile 6 million PC handhelds shipped in 3 years.

    I still need to get me a steam deck
  3. Dead2009

    Other LEGO Is Apparently "Building Up" To In-House Game Development For years, LEGO has found great success in teaming up with third-party studios to develop its tie-in game titles. However, it seems that collaborations with the likes of TT Games, 2K and Epic...
  4. Dead2009

    I found a way to learn french

    Sacre bleu!
  5. Dead2009

    Do you still play any old games?

    I still dabble with the NES and SNES games from time to time.
  6. Dead2009

    Last Game Beaten

    Until Dawn (the original)
  7. Dead2009

    Last Game Played

    Man of Medan (PS5)
  8. Dead2009

    What was the last thing you ate?

    Hot pocket
  9. Dead2009

    Glover Remaster

    Uhh, we got....AI? now copying and pasting replies?
  10. Dead2009

    Mozilla’s New Firefox Terms Spark Privacy Concerns

    Luckily for me, I dont use Firefox anymore.
  11. Dead2009

    PC/Mobile THird party gta marketplace gets sued

    If the 3rd party marketplace is doing something illegal, why NOT take it down?
  12. Dead2009

    Last thing you watched?

  13. Dead2009

    Daily GL General Chat

    Another friday off, another day of GAMING
  14. Dead2009

    Leak CW PowerPuff girls Live action Trailer

    This looks bad