Recent content by Elseb

  1. E

    Are forums less popular than they used to be?

    Short answer: Definitely. I created my forum back in 2002 when forums were extremely popular, fantastic times to be a forum member. Nowadays, it's just not the same as it used to be. I don't think forums have the excitement they once had, it's strange. I can't quite put my finger on why, maybe...
  2. E

    Best Nintendo home console?

    I do love a bit of N64 and Gamecube! Both fantastic consoles, but for me, I really love my Wii U. The games are unique and is just has a certain amount of charm. I have always preferred the Megadrive over the SNES. :)
  3. E

    General thoughts on Super Mario Maker?

    It does look interesting but I'm not sure how much fun re-play value it will have for me. Will i get bored after making a few levels? Not sure. I'll pick it up anyway so i guess i'll find out soon!
  4. E

    What's going on with Devil's Third?

    I'm going to the buy the game but it does look pretty bad from the video pre-reviews i've seen. I'm not surprised Nintendo are trying to distance themselves away from it. A Wii U exclusive though, I'm all over it. It looks so corny though haha!
  5. E

    What should you be doing right now?

    Well, i guess i should be thinking about going to sleep. I'll probably wait a few hours though. :P
  6. E

    General GF Chat

    How can you hate the beach?! Who on earth hates the beach. :P
  7. E

    Favourite character?

    Peach and Rosalina are cool characters, Kirby is pretty amazing though! :D
  8. E

    Cleaning Burglar

    What a strange story!! Though, if you're gonna have somebody break in, this is the person you want!
  9. E

    Last thing read?

    I last read a wikipedia article, i do this most days. :)
  10. E

    General GF Chat

    That's one of the worst things about being ill, the lack of appetite. Hope you're back to normal soon!
  11. E

    General GF Chat

    Hope you feel better soon! The flu sucks. :-\
  12. E

    Super Mario Galaxy 2

    I don't agree with that at all. The second one improves on the gameplay that made the first one great.
  13. E

    Tomb Raider Release Date

    I'm looking forward to seeing some of the game at E3, i might get it if the new direction has improved the series.
  14. E

    what are you listening to right now?

    I'm listening to Belle and Sebastian: Piazza, New York Catcher. :)
  15. E

    What's the weather like for you?

    It's been fairly warm today, not extremely hot but certainly not cold. :)