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  • At midnight and if you're are getting it on the Nintendo eshop,too!see you later everyone and have a nice and awesome day,even my best friends,too!:grin:
    Crossing,then just pm me and I'll get to adding you as soon as I can just be patient either if I'm adding another friend code or I'm offline still just be patient please!Well ill see everyone later,also enjoy countdowns of Animal Crossing New Leaf or about other video game countdowns,or just about Animal Crossing New Leaf itself or other video games just by itself!Have a nice day and pm me if you want to play Animal Crossing New leaf with me the day it comes out on June 9...
    Hello everyone,my name is Aaron!I need more Best Friends at least 30!As you notice on one of my comments I told people that I was getting Animal Crossing New Leaf at midnight on June 9 on the Nintendo eshop and that's why I need more friends so we can hangout and play together sometime on Animal Crossing New Leaf and on other games,too!if your getting Animal Crossing New Leaf at midnight and in stores on June 9 and if you also wanna hangout with me and play sometime on Animal...
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