Recent content by GlacialDoom

  1. G

    ¿Best Time to sell Steam Cards on Steam?

    I think that the Summer Sale can make or break the prices, honestly. On the one hand, you have those that want to craft more badges to get rewards, as Vicccious said. On the other hand, you have people who want to get some extra money to buy games instantly, which will end up selling cards for...
  2. G

    Would you accept the offer?

    As long as I can use Steam and other game launchers, I think I could take the offer. On a second thought, Windows Phones are atrocious...
  3. G

    Xbox ¿Which console should I buy?

    Well, I'm currently saving up some money to get an Xbox One (mainly for console exclusives and because my laptop can't run games that well anymore, and will most likely fail to run the upcoming Play Anywhere titles), and I think I'm going to go with an original Xbox One. The main reason for...
  4. G

    Zelda the big winner at E3

    Honestly, given the fact that Nintendo said they weren't going to host a proper show at this year's E3, pretty much nobody expected anything big from them. I think that's why the Zelda demo provoked such a big buzz on the Internet. Of course, that, and the fact that the game looks exceptionally...
  5. G

    Cringe worthy Presentations

    By far the cringiest presentation was Ubisoft's, which was expected. I honestly think they know their reputation and they do all that crazy stuff (like the beginning dance of this year's show) to one-up their previous shows. I also found Zac Efron's facial expressions at the Battlefield Squads...
  6. G

    Xbox Halo Wars 2

    Apparently, the game is going to also have a PC beta available some time after the end of the Xbox One beta, and I'm really thankful for it. I was extremely bummed to learn that the beta will only run on Xbox One, especially after reading the leaks about the beta before E3 even started. I am...
  7. G

    PlayStation Batman VR

    I'm not really sure how this game will tie in VR features with the classic Arkham gameplay we've had served before. I'm guessing it's going to be the detective part, but that was the worst part of the Arkham package. From what I've heard, there are sequences in which you also play as Joker (at...
  8. G

    PlayStation Death Stranding

    Although I'm really glad that Kojima managed to get his new studio up and running so quickly, I am a bit confused by this trailer. Sure, it's got Norman Reedus and a lot of weird things like...a dead fetus? Anyways, I think that the CGI is okay, and I can only hope that we'll see some actual...
  9. G

    Hello, folks!

    Greetings! As you can see from my name, I am GlacialDoom, and I am an enthusiastic gamer living in Romania. My favorite genres are first person shooters, role-playing games and MMORPGs. Although I'm mainly a PC gamer, I am looking to get an Xbox One soon, especially after hearing the newest E3...