G G Goomba May 30, 2012 Pre-ordered Paper mario 3D at gamestop, but ironicly...I cant wait for the launch!
Y Y Yoshi64Mario May 28, 2012 Hey, just a head's up - there's an Edit button located on the bottom right of your posts. Please use the feature, there's no need for double or triple posting.
Hey, just a head's up - there's an Edit button located on the bottom right of your posts. Please use the feature, there's no need for double or triple posting.
G G Goomba May 27, 2012 If You want Blue, Red, Pink, Or The Yoshi costume for Mario Tennis Open PM For 1!
G G Goomba May 12, 2012 Now accepting Kid Icarus:Uprising and Super street fighter 4 3D Battle Requests!(mostly Light vs Dark)
Now accepting Kid Icarus:Uprising and Super street fighter 4 3D Battle Requests!(mostly Light vs Dark)