Recent content by James781

  1. James781

    Where do you prefer to buy PC games?

    Hi all. I was wondering where most people buy PC games? It is clear that for consoles they mainly buy in original stores like playstation or xbox . Although there you can buy for a PC, but I have not met such people. A lot of my friends buy games on steam , some from difmark or some other sites...
  2. James781

    Last Game Played

    just finished playing rdr2. Like it
  3. James781

    Favourite Card Games?

    Magic the gathering my beloved. But not the digital version. And the physical cards are real. Back in school, a friend showed me this game. I bought myself about a hundred cards on the cheap and played at school. Until now I have and sometimes play with friends
  4. James781

    Should kids be allowed to change their name?

    no one will forbid children to call themselves by another name. But I think it’s better to officially change your first name when you reach 16/18 years old. By the way, don't parents have the right to change a child's name?
  5. James781

    Other Half-Life 2: Episode Three concept art

    You can delete if you are not sure. I just love half life and found the news, which I decided to share here. deletion is not a problem, still few people looked at the thread
  6. James781

    Other Half-Life 2: Episode Three concept art

    2K Senior Producer David McGreavy has released concept art for Half-Life 2: Episode Three. As it turned out, at the beginning of the year, he bought a huge collection of concept images from Valve, including canceled ones, from Valve. And here are the first ones published.