Recent content by jsantos015

  1. jsantos015

    What's the weather like for you?

    It's raining so hard in here. Looks like it's gonna rain all night.
  2. jsantos015

    What's your favorite Anime intro / music video

    My favorite intro song is the song in Ghost Fighter! Everytime I hear it, it stucks in my head for hours!
  3. jsantos015


    My favorite is chicken barbeque pizza with topped with a cilantro! Just thinkin about it makes me hungry.:p
  4. jsantos015

    Current Mood?

    I am sleepy! I haven't had a decent sleep this week! Gaaahd!
  5. jsantos015

    Time Management for Gamers?

    I think career and studies are a priority. So when I have a free time or a day off, that's when I could play for as long as i want.
  6. jsantos015

    Do you buy anime DVDs?

    Nope. You could always download it at home and not worry about the quality of the program.
  7. jsantos015

    Last Game Bought

    I've never bought a game. I always use my brothe's games. I'm so thrifty but it is for the good
  8. jsantos015


    I made my wordpress website months ago, but I haven't really used it.
  9. jsantos015

    What're you eating right now?

    None! I just imaginge food coming out of my screen and just have a bite of a food on commercials.
  10. jsantos015

    Sports Anime?

    My favorite sports anime is Slam Dunk! It is funny and at the same time I was hooked by the basketball games they play.
  11. jsantos015

    Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing

    Who loves sonic? I just played the classic version on my android phone, I am thinking of downloading the latest version on google play but I think it will be just like the gameplay of Temple Run or Subway Surfer.
  12. jsantos015

    I think we all can relate to this

    Haha that's really funny. I can relate to this because of my octopus wiring at my office.
  13. jsantos015

    Budget Gaming Mouse Suggestions

    I bought a mouse and it did not last even a day. I accidentaly dropped it on the floor and it got broken. :(
  14. jsantos015

    Best looking pokémon in the anime

    My favorite is Charmander! I used to play pokemon in Gameboy. Hehe
  15. jsantos015


    I think minesweeper is considered as a puzzle game too. I love playing minesweeper. Does anybody here knows how to play it?