Recent content by Lix

  1. L

    Game during a storm

    I really hate storms, mostly because I can just never decide whenever to take the risk or not. Usually, it ends up with me playing/keeping the computer on for a while despite everyone else turning off everything else. After a while though, I start thinking... What if my computer dies? Even...
  2. L

    Which of the more "popular" series do you not find appealing?

    Well, typically I don't really like popular shows. Not because they are popular, but rather so that I seem to have different tastes compared to the "general mass". Examples are as follows: Attack On Titan: Too much action, too little story. Boring. Soul Eater: Boring, annoying characters...
  3. L

    Visual Novels

    Yeah, most VN's do have some sexual content in them, but for the most part it's possible to turn those scenes off in the settings, so you'll never have to even think of them existing. There are also a huge lot of VN's that are dedicated to being pornography, which is a bit sad in a way... I...
  4. L

    How many of you guys love an anime so much, you continue on into the manga?

    I wouldn't read the manga/source material unless I had to, or I felt like it was the better choice. If I knew that there was going to be an anime adaption of the rest of the series, and I liked the anime adaption, I'd just wait for more anime instead of reading the manga/source material. There...
  5. L

    Transistor on Steam (Steam Sale gives 10% off)

    Oh... This is really like Bastion indeed. I think I finished Bastion in one playthrough, and it was a really good game... So I'm pretty sure that this game is going to be just as awesome, if not even better! I'll wait to buy this until it becomes a bit cheaper though, it's a bit on the...
  6. L

    Are there any anime that your looking forward to?

    Considering the fact that i am as of like, a month or more back on a 6-month break from anime (possibly longer) I'm pretty much looking forward to everything. I can't wait until those 6 months has passed to be honest. It's not like I'm spending each day thinking about it a lot, and it's not very...
  7. L

    Do you prefer dialogue or action in an anime

    Dialogue for the most part, but in some shows I do actually prefer to get mroe action/fanservice/un-intelligent stuff. For example, Black Lagoon was amazing. It didn't have very much dialogue, and it had an extreme amount of action, and it was amazing. The fact that one of the characters in...
  8. L

    Do You Still Play In Arcades?

    Admittedly I don't actually remember playing on any arcades apart from flipper games. They're not really common to see anymore, and I think I am a bit too young to have experienced the glory of arcades. There are a few places which still has them, but they're not many, and the arcades are not...
  9. L

    Non Traditional Controllers

    I've never been a big fan of any alternative controls/controllers, and everything i have tried (Wii, Kinect, etc) has just been bothersome. Surely they're fun for a while... But after that while, you just want to step back to the traditional controllers again. They're just far easier to play on...
  10. L

    Less XBox exclusives this generation?

    Console exclusive games are never good in my book. No matter how good the game is, or how much "better it is" on one console instead of another, I think it's not a very good style to release Xbox-exclusive games, or PS-exlcusive, and so on. Why? Well, because we can never really anticipate that...
  11. L

    What do you think about the teams in the Steam Summer Sale Adventure?

    I don't really care too much myself, because it dosen't affect me. I don't buy anything, I con't craft any badges, and all I do is vote in the votings to earn some money off of the trading cards... However, I do think that it looks awfully rigged. I mean, a different team won every day 5 days in...
  12. L

    Playing Games vs Watching Games

    Sometimes I actually enjoy watching people play more than I like to play myself. It's a bit sad really, because I wish I could have as much fun as some people do with certain games. For example, I tend to go back and forth with TF2. I watch a video by STAR_ , sees how much fun he has playing...
  13. L

    TF2 Updates

    It's a cool update, but at the same time I got to agree with STAR_ a bit on all these updates. I mean, it's "not even a game anymore", pretty much. It's going more to a style of Second Life, where it's no longer about FPS, but more so about customizing your characters, and dancing...... I mean...
  14. L

    Should Nintendo port / create apps for smartphones?

    If they would port their games over to mobile devices, how would people play them? I mean, it would probably be quite hazardous to the games themselves to have the users playing it with touchscreen controls. As we all know, touchscreen controlls generally suck, and they often ruin the entire...
  15. L

    Does Anyone Else Play Papers, Please?

    I haven't yet purchased this game, and my "anti-buying" feelings makes me feel that I really shouldn't pick this up, regardless of how interesting it looks. I have seen quite a few gameplays of it, so I have some basic idea of how the game works though. It's very reasonable that people get...