Recent content by Moaz

  1. Moaz

    Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

    I like this game, I can't say it is bad..It's pretty good. But it has some problems and mistakes that they should fix soon. Some missions are annoying and bad..And some that you will do without any benefits..I believe they should fix these mistakes. There are many mistakes and problems that I...
  2. Moaz

    Watch Dogs 2

    I believe that Watch Dogs 2 is better than Watch Dogs 1, They improved it. It's way better than the old one.
  3. Moaz

    What Controller do You Use?

    I use the original controller, I think it's better because it came from the factory.
  4. Moaz

    Xbox consoles finally getting smaller

    That sounds awesome, Because my console takes a very big space from my table, really sounds good also it would prevent it from being damaged.
  5. Moaz

    Xbox One How many games do you have for your Xbox One.

    I have 31 game, but I currently focusing on 3/5 games only.
  6. Moaz

    Would you lie for a free Xbox One?

    Of course I will do so, I prefer Xbox one.
  7. Moaz

    PS4 All Major PS4 Games Coming in 2017

    I can't wait for COD: WWII, I think it's going to be awesome! And the best COD game ever! Can't wait till the release date!
  8. Moaz

    Grand Theft Auto V

    An awesome game with amazing graphics and story, Also I love playing it on my PC to use mods, I love using mods in GTA V, It's just gets better.
  9. Moaz

    Resident Evil: Origins Collection

    Resident Evil is a great game, With amazing stories and it's a horror game (Really horror). I love Resident Evil from 1 to Resident Evil 7.
  10. Moaz

    Pokémon GO

    I've been playing this game for a month, But I stopped playing it after I heard that it's becoming bad, Rumors said that many peoples died while playing Pokemon Go, I stopped playing it after that immediately.