Recent content by Naizak165

  1. Naizak165

    Sonic Heroes Remake

    No, it was a stronger connection than that. It was revealed to them in a dream.
  2. Naizak165

    Sonic Heroes Remake

    unfortunately, it got debunked on twitter by someone with connections.
  3. Naizak165

    Other The former chief lawyer for The Pokémon Company On fan projects take down

    NO SHIT SHERLOCK!!! (please ignore the Ace Attorney Sherlock Holmes in my pfp)
  4. Naizak165

    Zelda Games

    I played most Zelda games and my favorite is Majora's Mask. While I do love BoTW and ToTK, I just love the charm in the N64 games.
  5. Naizak165

    Switch 2 Nintendo's 2024 Console predictions

    Nintendo will most likely make a base model for 300$ while the later OLED edition would be up to 400$. Gotta milk the consumer in any way they can get away with.