Recent content by Nightwing

  1. N

    Switch It's now out

    Seems pretty cool, I might plan on getting it for myself around christmas
  2. N

    Xbox Going on for 15 years

    My brother had the original xbox and got an xbox 360, the only xbox I've used is the xb1.
  3. N

    How The Avengers should have looked in the live action movies

    To each his own I guess. I like the movie ones better. They were attempting to market them in the way that most people would find aesthetically pleasing. It's more so how to achieve the biggest audience than how to be most accurate
  4. N

    Rare Nuclear Test Films Declassified

    Those are actually insanely cool. there's so little footage of nuclear tests being done, it's awesome that these were declassified
  5. N

    Hey there!

    Hi everyone, i'm Nightwing. Nice to meet you all
  6. N

    last movie you saw?

    I went to go see GET OUT a few days ago, it was overall a good movie. Some weird parts, but a lot of actually funny parts which I like a lot in scary movies
  7. N

    Do you dream about Anime characters?

    That's hilarious! When I was younger, I used to dream a lot about Naruto. That's when I first started binge watching anime
  8. N

    Lose an hour

    Honestly didn't even think about it until today when I realized it was still light outside at 6:30, threw me off guard.
  9. N

    Current Anime Watching

    Currently catching up on Fairy Tail right now. I just finished catching up on Dragon Ball Super and Tokyo Ghoul.
  10. N

    Do you like or dislike long running anime?

    I mean usually if I'm trying to catch up on a series, if it's a full arc of filler episodes, I'll skip the entire filler arc.
  11. N

    What Sports Teams Do You All Like?

    I only watch college basketball. I like UNC. Go tarheels
  12. N

    Friday Nights

    I usually go out with my friends, get a few drinks and typically drag my friends back to their apartments
  13. N

    what are you listening to right now?

    Currently listening to Shape of You -Ed Sheeran
  14. N

    Do you like or dislike long running anime?

    It just makes it intimidating to catch up to honestly. Series like One Piece especially.
  15. N

    Xbox One How many games do you have for your Xbox One.

    I just not my xb1 not too long ago, so I have 6 games