Recent content by PGen98

  1. PGen98

    How do you win friends?

    I honestly don't know why anyone would want to be friends with me, or how I manage to attract friends. I think being yourself is the only thing to be, so if that happens to bring you friendship, then fantastic!
  2. PGen98

    Would you forgive a cheating partner?

    I think it's hard to forgive a cheater, because the trust is broken. Impossible? No, but very difficult. It would take time, but it is doable. If you love the person, then definitely, it's a possibility, but trust is a must.
  3. PGen98

    Do you buy Pizza from smaller local Pizza restaurants?

    I don't consider those massive brands to be pizza, they're a sub-category, fast food pizza or something similar. Proper pizza from smaller places with fresh made ingredients is an entirely different animal and one I really enjoy when I can!
  4. PGen98

    Do you wear any dress more than once?

    I hardly wear dresses, so no...but I wear my regular clothes routinely, washed of course.
  5. PGen98

    RIP Michael Gambon

    Rest easy, sir Michael. Long may your corner flourish
  6. PGen98

    Fall color tours

    I would if the trees changed colours around here, lol, or if I lived somewhere with more seasons, then definitely! It's nice to see the fall foliage!
  7. PGen98

    Do you do your own vehicle maintenance?

    I'm mechanically illiterate, so I leave it to people that know what they're doing, lol. Fortunately my sister is a whiz with engines, so she'll help a lot of the time!
  8. PGen98

    Is it awkward for a lady to express her feelings to a man?

    There's nothing awkward about it, feelings are feelings, gender should be immaterial. It is ironic that custom dictates the traditionally more stoic gender express their feelings first, lol.
  9. PGen98

    PC/Mobile Introducing Cooler Master’s New Gaming PC: The $3,800 Shoe for Hardcore Gamers

    I understand wanting to be unique, but this one seems like a terrible idea, lol. Besides, best to build your own PC!
  10. PGen98

    Nintendo Nintendo 3DS and Wii U Online Servers Are Shutting Down For Good

    Eh, expected news, sadly, but it doesn't stop our already purchased games from working, and it doesn't stop homebrews from keeping the consoles going. 3DS in particular, there.
  11. PGen98

    Nintendo New Nintendo 64 Console to play Games in 4K Resolution

    Analogue do a decent job with their consoles, so this should be interesting!
  12. PGen98

    PlayStation Slim Ps5 officially announced

    Feels like the lather/rinse/repeat cycle of modern consoles. Main launch, slim launch, here's the new PRO version. But wait, here's a teaser for our next one! They've definitely got it down to a science at this point.
  13. PGen98

    Made the switch from Xbox to PlayStation?

    I have Xbox and Playstation consoles, I haven't been able to afford a PS5, but I will at some point, and I already have a Series X, so it's not about picking sides for me, I just want an enjoyable gaming experience :)
  14. PGen98

    Do you play VR?

    I've tried VR, I'm happy enough without it. Not something I'm really invested in and I don't particularly want to be, either. Good for those who enjoy it, though, there are lots of gamers who get immense pleasure playing VR games!
  15. PGen98

    Wore out a controller?

    I definitely have, N64 controllers are notorious for wonky joysticks, and I made a fair few of them die from over-exertion :D