Recent content by TheMightyEddy

  1. T

    what are you listening to right now?

    Beamer, Benz, or Bentley - Lloyd Banks
  2. T

    [fixed]We were hacked, in a bad way

    It happened to my old forum actually. My host said it was malware but it wasn't. I found out who the hacker was and gave him a little of "my cup of tea" if you know what I mean. ;)
  3. T

    Thousands of spiders invade farm

    Did you see the massive spider webs? Holy sh**! Damn that creeps me out and gives me the goosebumps. :(
  4. T

    New war for the US

    Oh no. Not again. Hopefully we get back on track and pay attention to what we're doing.
  5. T

    Hello everyone

    Thank you guys but wow Demon... isn't that a coincidence? xD
  6. T

    Angry Birds Space Show

    Exactly what I was going to say. It was fun at the beginning but now it has gotten too far.
  7. T

    What should you be doing right now?

    I should be going somewhere with my friends but I guess he wants to go a little later.
  8. T

    What's the weather like for you?

    From what my Android tells me right now, it is Intermittent Clouds for me in LA.
  9. T

    My computer screen went black

    The reason that happens is because sometimes you are running too many native apps in the background of your computer. Other times, you may have a virus or malware stuck onto your computer.
  10. T

    Female Sephiroth

    Before anything else, I just want to point out that the girl is stunning.
  11. T

    Do you usually buy physical objects (books, tools, disc) or digital files on the internet?

    I buy programming books and I also download programming books from the web (eBooks)
  12. T

    PSN Update: 3/20/12

    Anyone excited for this? I sure definitely am!
  13. T

    USA Internet in Danger!

    Shit. I'm dead. :P ISP companies should seriously do something. I don't pay them $100 bucks a month for them to sit there and think their better than me at networking.
  14. T

    General GF Chat

    Well well well... how is everyone?
  15. T

    Win the War On Internet Trolls

    Yes I agree that we have to win. If not, trolls will take over the world at the end. It's going to be painful.