Recent content by TheSymph

  1. TheSymph

    Do you like spending time alone usually?

    I very much relate to that too. I've never like, wanted a job, but then I'd find myself getting depressed without one. Then once I get a job I find that it's enough social interaction for me to feel like I'm connected to humanity or whatever, and then I go back to my solitude haha. For me...
  2. TheSymph

    Would you re-watch stuff often?

    If I truly cared about the show and paid attention? No I've never rewatched a show. But some shows, (like One Piece or Pokemon) are sort of like background ambiance for me, and I tend to just put them on while I go about my business. This means I'm watching and rewatching them all the time...
  3. TheSymph

    Do you like spending time alone usually?

    I have been a loner my whole life. The crazy ideas and things flowing through my head are pretty entertaining to me, I love mediation and silence, I like to listen to music and read, I very much love my solitude. I however have been isolated for so long, that lately I've really been craving...
  4. TheSymph

    PlayStation Neptunia ReVerse Western Launch Date

    Aw that's a bummer, sometimes if the story is good enough I'll still enjoy a game like that though.
  5. TheSymph

    Hi everyone!

    I JUST got into gaming like 3 months ago, I have been mostly focused on music and spirituality my whole life and thought games were... Oh I don't know, childish or something, a waste of time. I really don't see it that way anymore though, I see it now as an art form, and as valid of an...
  6. TheSymph

    PlayStation Neptunia ReVerse Western Launch Date

    Looks pretty cool actually! Is it turn based or live action?