vivacious_venom Oct 31, 2016 Getting cold in Chicago - I love the cold and snowy days but I just hate going out.
vivacious_venom Oct 5, 2016 Ever since 7 Days to Die got released to PS4, that is the game I play the most. I play other games but not as much as that game.
Ever since 7 Days to Die got released to PS4, that is the game I play the most. I play other games but not as much as that game.
vivacious_venom Apr 1, 2016 I am staying on the internet on April Fools, stuck at work and doing absolutely nothing.
vivacious_venom Mar 27, 2016 Yea, I believe it was made for Justice League too. Since Suicide Squad is coming out this year as well.
Yea, I believe it was made for Justice League too. Since Suicide Squad is coming out this year as well.
vivacious_venom Mar 26, 2016 OMG... Batman vs Superman was a great movie. I do hope they are making a part 2 of the movie.
vivacious_venom Mar 25, 2016 I am so bored, am at work & nothing to do. All of the things needed to do had been completed but now, staying for another 2 hrs of nothing.
I am so bored, am at work & nothing to do. All of the things needed to do had been completed but now, staying for another 2 hrs of nothing.
vivacious_venom Mar 25, 2016 I am so tempted to be a spoiler on Batman vs Superman but I will try not too.
vivacious_venom Mar 25, 2016 I can't wit to watch Batman vs. Superman, will be watching it over this weekend.