Recent content by ZJWMusic

  1. ZJWMusic

    Nintendo Best ever Snes emulator creator has died

    That's really tough to read, as someone who has struggled with similar issues. It's not right to bully someone for being the person they are, and everybody deserves compassion. I wish he could have gotten the support he needed.
  2. ZJWMusic

    Other CoD Warzone Player Robbed During Twitch Stream

    That's terrifying--I'm really, really glad that no innocents were seriously hurt
  3. ZJWMusic

    Do you play as female character online?

    When I make characters, they are usually to subvert typical archetypes. I like the concept of badass people who aren't always typically hench and muscle-bound. I think it's kind of telling that some people can't even imagine themself as a women in a fantasy setting. And yes, it actually helps me...
  4. ZJWMusic

    Simpocalypse: a post-apocalyptic civilization simulator

    This looks like a really solid gameplay loop! I think there's a lot in this game that I would definitely enjoy, from a resource management and strategy perspective.
  5. ZJWMusic

    Here is my first strategy game called The Revived Throne! Feel free to have a try!

    Alex, this game looks really cool! Between the art and the music, I'm a fan. I could only watch gameplay as I don't have any devices for it, but great job.