Ten years of Half-Life 3 Talk


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Years of discussion, no Half-Life 3.
I'm surprised that people cared so much about this series to discuss about it for 10 years. You don't see that happen too often. I mean, there were more important things in the gaming world that faded away in a few years.
I'm surprised that people cared so much about this series to discuss about it for 10 years. You don't see that happen too often. I mean, there were more important things in the gaming world that faded away in a few years.

In my memory of gaming, Half-Life 2 was the most mind blowing game ever. Sure it's not amazing now, but the graphics of Half-Life 2 was so far ahead of everything when it came out. I would love a Half-Life 3 and I think people who experienced things they way I did feel the same.
Ten or so years of talk maybe. But given that the domain was registered for it in 1999, it's possibly now been in the making for 17 years in total.
Did they buy the domain for Half Life 3 just in case?

I would say yes. If I was making a sequel I would probably purchase the domain for the next sequel. Think about it. You come out with Half-Life 2 and you know some troll will purchase halflife3.com and then ask Valve for a shit ton of money for it.