Do you feel there are too many fun mobile games to play?


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I sometimes feel there are too many fun looking mobile games for me to play, and it is hard to keep up with all the games being released every month.

I sometimes don't have enough time to play most of them because of activities like posting on forums, posting on blogs, cleaning, TV, music listening, cooking and playing other games on mobile, pc and consoles which can take up a lot of time.

Some mobile games also take a very long time to finish because there are so many levels, sidequests, and new content is being released for them on a weekly basis.
I tend to turn a blind eye to most mobile games, so can't say for sure.
I honestly disagree completely with this.. I think there are a HUGE LACK of decent enjoyable Mobile Games. All I ever see is clones and clones and clones and clones of the SAME game. If there are really great addicting fun games out there I sure as heck haven't seen 'em.
I honestly disagree completely with this.. I think there are a HUGE LACK of decent enjoyable Mobile Games. All I ever see is clones and clones and clones and clones of the SAME game. If there are really great addicting fun games out there I sure as heck haven't seen 'em.
This. This entirely. There's a complete lack of incentive for developers to make fun, enjoyable mobile games. Especially considering the way we spend time gaming on mobile devices is entirely different that that of PC or Consoles. We pick up our phone and play games in short bursts, you could make the argument that you spend hours on android/iOS games, which might be true, but a majority of people do not, and those are the people mobile games are aimed at. Most mobile games are designed for you to play for 5-10 minutes at a time, so they make it harder and much more time consuming to get things done unless you spend money. Because their real target is your wallet. Mobile devs aren't really critiqued much for this, no one calls them out for bad development practices, because most people don't view mobile gaming as "real" gaming.

It's a shame really, because there ARE good games on mobile devices, they are few, but they are there. It's sad that those devs get thrown in with the majority of shady devs in the mobile gaming market.
I think that there are many fun mobile games to play off . The mobile games are the most popular games than that in the other like desktop , ps4 etc .. Playing games on mobile phone makes you more accurate and it increases your efficiency level . This help you a lot . I think there are many fun mobile game to play . The developers are not being active and updating the games but really at the first release its good and fun .