Do forums usually load faster than blogs and regular websites?


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In my experience, most forums seem to load faster than blogs. I think forums are faster because forums were around when internet users mostly used dial-up, so forum pages are mostly text based with a few images like the header image, button images and background images for the forum.

A lot of blogs post has too many big file size pictures, embedded videos, advertisements, auto-play video and sound files, and social networking sharing buttons on a single page which make it load slower.

Blogs are also more likely to use a commenting service which are hosted on another website like Disqus which load comments slower than comments which are hosted on the site's database.
Depends on the forum.

But practically speaking, a lot of forums seem to load better, yes. Likely because forum design hasn't tried to go all web 3.0 like a lot of blogs have, and pages tend to use fairly minimal resources on the page.
Depends on the forum.

But practically speaking, a lot of forums seem to load better, yes. Likely because forum design hasn't tried to go all web 3.0 like a lot of blogs have, and pages tend to use fairly minimal resources on the page.

I agree a lot of forums don't use as many web 3.0 features. I think most forum users who go on forums mostly go on forums to make and reply to topics with text. Posting pictures, video, and web games are less common on forums because making a text-only topic is more convenient to make, and good enough for communicating with other members on a forum. Pictures and videos are not needed for topics like How old you are? or Which country do you live in?.

Forum members will also tell the owner that a forum is loading slowly, so the forum owner maybe more likely to switch web hosts, or uninstall a plug-in or mod if it is slowing down a forum.

Many blogs readers don't tell the owner if the blog is running slowly because many readers just go on a blog to read an article which they found by searching Google, and they leave after finishing reading the post.
More like the web hosting, I really haven't had a forum load slow due to the software itself unless there was heavy content like music and videos all over the place.

I agree the web host is usually the main reason for forum slowdown problems.

Most forum software like phpBB, Invision, Vbulletin, and XenForo seems to run very quickly when I use them online on shared and free web hosts like Invisionfree.

Some plug-ins/mods like Tapatalk may slow down forums in my experience.

I think heavy content like auto-play video and music is less common on forums because most forums are used for talking about many topics where having auto-play video and music can annoy members who go on a forum to make and reply to topics with text, and smaller pictures.

But, auto-play music and video is more common on blogs, personal websites, and social networking profiles on Myspace because blogs, personal websites, and social networking profiles are used for to show visitors what songs, and videos you personally like to listen and watch, so autoplay music and video is more common on blogs, personal sites, and social networking profile pages.