The Crew: Now for free! (LIMITED TIME)


King Of The Hill
Full GL Member
If anyone's been interested in The Crew before, Ubisoft are currently offering the £25 (GBP, convert at your leisure) game for free to celebrate their 30th Anniversary. In the coming months they'll be announcing six more games to be downloaded for free.

All you need to do is register to Ubi or log in with an existing account, download their Ubi-software and install the game from there!

Frankly, the game bores me after an hour, but it's a 100% reduction of £25 and I do play it, so I can't refuse. :p
Just added it to my account :grin: Thanks man. If its FREE, why complain? I'l probably never play it but at least it's there ;)
haha, same here, I will get so bored after 2 hours
Has anyone got the free games yet?
I've had an account with them fr a long time. It's kinda nice that I have so many left over points to use for bonus content on newer games. I played Crew when it first came out and I wasn't really all that enthralled with it.. so I think I'll pass on this. But awesome that you were able to share the deal with the masses.
Has anyone got the free games yet?

I added it to my Ubi account, but haven't downloaded and installed it yet because the file size is very big, and I'm afraid it will cause me to go over my bandwidth limit for this month.
I added it to my Ubi account, but haven't downloaded and installed it yet because the file size is very big, and I'm afraid it will cause me to go over my bandwidth limit for this month.
Same here but I don't have bandwidth limit :) so i'm all good. Have you consider upgrading?
No, it cost an extra $15 for unlimited bandwidth. I rarely go over my 200GB bandwidth limit.
That's bad, I pay like £50 a month for the max speed of 27mph and unlimited. But then I have to double check my bandwidth