Switch Super Mario Odyssey


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After watching the trailer, what do you think? For those of you that have a Switch or are planning on getting one, will you be getting this game?
I knew I was going to get this game as soon as it was announced. Personally, I like how it has a Sonic 06 aesthetic with Mario being in the real world. I also like how he throws his hat like Oddjob from James Bond. I just wonder how the game progression is going to be. I figure it's going to be collecting something like stars or another item like how they did with Shine Sprites in Sunshine. I'm just not sure what. Though, I wouldn't be too upset if it was something different like an open world Mario game.
I'll probably get it for Christmas, but the real world clips look terrible and I hope they can fix it before the game is out. Those npc models walking around are just awful.
Will I get it? Most likely, though the question is when.
Will I get it? Most likely, though the question is when.

That's me. I'm not sure when I'll get this game since I still haven't bought the Switch yet. Whether or not I get a Switch will be determined by the fact of will they produce enough games for the console to make it worth while for me to purchase in the first place.