Post your funny anime moments


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I just thought it would be fun to get a thread going to show off your favorite anime moments.

Here is one from Dan Machi that I thought was hilarious
This is one of my favorite anime's. I love how this was full of Ace Attorney references. Thing is, the first time I watched this, I hadn't played an AA game yet so I didn't get it. I actually didn't notice this until a few months ago, but it's definitely one of my favorite anime moments now.

anything in this anime:

This one came all of a sudden, out no where
Gintama has to be the funniest anime out there, period.
You could even catch an episode without being in tune with the past plot and still crack up with the weird stuff they manage to pull off.
Sugita Tomokazu is the cherry on top in this mess of a dessert though, he does a wonderful work stealing my heart when voicing his characters, so let me give you a little sample of my favourite moments!

There are so many funny moments in Gintama, its hard to choose even for a montage. My favorite has to be episode 69.
