3DS Traveling with 3DS?


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Where all have you played your Nintendo 3DS? Do you take it to a lot of places to keep yourself entertained?

When I've sat at the hospital waiting for a friend or loved one to get out of surgery, I've often taken my 3DS (or whatever Nintendo handheld I owned at the time) with me and played it while I sat in the waiting room. I can turn down the sound so that I don't bother anyone else with any noises from my games.
I took mine with me to a convention back in 2015 and I remember playing a lot of Smash in my free time and getting a lot of Streetpasses. However, I don't really go anywhere else. I'm also too scared to take it too far because I don't trust people and I'm scared it'll get stolen or something.
My 3DS has only stayed in my room. I've taken my DS to other places though.
I've taken mine with me to a few places, however, the places that I've gone with it have been places where I know the people and I don't feel like they would steal it from me. Most of the time, mine stays at home though.