Fidget Spinner Simulator Open World game


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This is the greatest fidget simulating of All Time

I never thought I see a Fidget Spinner Simulator which is an open world first person game like First person shooters, but without the gun.
Now this is simply madness.
a first person spinner game, wait what the video Buffering in that video is a fidget spinner *thinking*
Now this is simply madness.

I think it is not unexpected that Fidget Spinners would have an open world game since there are game makers who build games based on how popular something is like video games about football where there are tons of football fans who also like football games. Some game makers maybe Fidget Spinner fans who want to make a game about Fidgit Spinners. Fidget Spinners only been popular for a few months, so this game was probably quickly made, and publish on Jul, 30 2017 to earn money from people who are still interested in spinners.

It also cost under $1 on Fidget Spinner Simulator on Steam , so it is cheaper than most other games and Fidget Spinners.

a first person spinner game, wait what the video Buffering in that video is a fidget spinner *thinking*

YouTube recently replaced the buffering ring icon with the most popular fidget spinner which is a three armed fidget spinner buffering icon.