Do you fill out free online store surveys for a chance to win money at a store ?


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I sometimes fill out surveys at a store website for a chance to win $500-1000. They only take a few minutes to fill out, and I hope my survey answers improve a store by selling more products which I want to buy, and having good customer service.
I’ll answee surveys if I have something important to say. With or without awards. I’ll very rarely do them just because of a chance I’ll win something.
I sometimes fill out surveys for websites and surveys made by online users if the survey is interesting, and useful. I usually fill out surveys related to services like web hosting, domain name, and ISP services which I subscribe to.
So froggyboy604 froggyboy604 and IntoxNitram IntoxNitram as someone who works retail (kill me), let me tell you what these survey's really mean.

They are a requirement for retail employees to get filled out, not sure if you've received a begging or not, but many employees depend on those for if the store doesn't get enough the GM (head boss of that store) will get a lengthy call/yelling from HQ as to why survey scores (CSAT as they are called) are low or not coming in. If a employee doesn't get enough or low scores, they most likely may get demoted or forced into a position that they may have to quit said company.

So you're free to fill them out if you like, just know you're screwing someone over by not doing it. I personally don't fill them out despite knowing this, but I have to beg people for a 5 star survey everyday and it isn't fun....
So froggyboy604 froggyboy604 and IntoxNitram IntoxNitram as someone who works retail (kill me), let me tell you what these survey's really mean.

They are a requirement for retail employees to get filled out, not sure if you've received a begging or not, but many employees depend on those for if the store doesn't get enough the GM (head boss of that store) will get a lengthy call/yelling from HQ as to why survey scores (CSAT as they are called) are low or not coming in. If a employee doesn't get enough or low scores, they most likely may get demoted or forced into a position that they may have to quit said company.

So you're free to fill them out if you like, just know you're screwing someone over by not doing it. I personally don't fill them out despite knowing this, but I have to beg people for a 5 star survey everyday and it isn't fun....

I think there are some employees who ask their friends and family for the survey codes on the recept to fill out the surveys, and use another e-mail address, and their friends info which their boss did not know about, and their friends name to fill out the survey.
I think there are some employees who ask their friends and family for the survey codes on the recept to fill out the surveys, and use another e-mail address, and their friends info which their boss did not know about, and their friends name to fill out the survey.

illegal to do, but people do it despite the chance of being fired.
illegal to do, but people do it despite the chance of being fired.

I think that the boss will find out that a worker is filling out their friends and family surveys from receipt if there are suddenly a lot of great reviews which were all submitted on the same month, from the same I.P. address or public I.P. addresses like a computer at a library, and the answers are all very similar.
No. I wouldn't fill any surveys. I am not a lucky person and stores hardly take any decisions based on the feedback. Well, the stores around me anyway.
So, I wouldn't go for any surveys .
I think that the boss will find out that a worker is filling out their friends and family surveys from receipt if there are suddenly a lot of great reviews which were all submitted on the same month, from the same I.P. address or public I.P. addresses like a computer at a library, and the answers are all very similar.

most are smart and use different devices and a VPN if they have access to one.