1.5 completed dev projects in a single day ww


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OK, so I've completed a whole Discord bot in a single hour yesterday morning, and a YouTube mobile player in half a day (and it's not entirely finished yet).

The Discord bot is basically based around a popular Japanese internet joke called "Wight thinks so".
After a random amount of messages made, Wight will respond with ワイトもそう思います。, which means "Wight thinks so.".
Each time someone sends a message, the bot will randomly generate a number between 1 and 20.
If that number happens to be 12, it'll say ワイトもそう思います。.
A little explanation regarding the joke:
ワイト(けものフレンズ)とは (ワイトモソウオモイマスとは) [単語記事] - ニコニコ大百科

Source code: テクニカル諏訪子 / waightthinksso-discord · GitLab


The other project is meant to become a mobile (iOS and Android) app that allows people to play YouTube videos in the background.
I already have AnzuTube on my iPhone, but I'm getting rather annoyed by the many ads all over the place, and the fact the video player is buggy (usually have to wait 10 seconds before I can press the Home button so that it keeps playing).
OpenTube is meant to be simple, and exclusively have the things that actually matter.
Which means only a search function, a history list, and of course the video player itself.

Source code: テクニカル諏訪子 / opentube · GitLab

These are some nice looking programs with nice features. The YouTube listening app looks nice for people who just want to listen to a video while they use another app.
I have 0 knowledge as a programmer so no clue as to how long this was supposed to take, but it sounds rather impressive! Congratulations :grin:
Very neat, I'm not much of a programmer but I imagine it wasn't that simple to put together?
I have 0 knowledge as a programmer so no clue as to how long this was supposed to take, but it sounds rather impressive! Congratulations :grin:
Actually, OpenTube and the Waito bot were very simple, since most of the logic for OpenTube is already available and all I had to do basically was to create a graphical shell around it, and the Waito bot was created in just a few lines of code.
I have a forum system I'm creating, and I have to do both client-side code and server-side code, and both ways is quite advanced even for present time (the forum system is quite futuristic, so it makes sense that I need quite a lot of time to make that one sometimes).