Do people get distracted too easily these days?


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Yes, I feel people can get distracted too easily by things like PC, smartphones, toys, clicking their mechanical pencils or pens when they should be doing something more important.

But, some people may not be very interested in what they are doing like office work, school work, or heavy work like lifting boxes, so they may more likely to be distracted.
Definitely. I should be revising for my exam on Monday but I'm on this forum posting about getting distracted and about to play some Rainbow Six Siege later :/

*Quickly goes back to looking at phone or browsing the internet*
Online games distract me a ton. When I work or even when I was in school, I would always have a gaming window open. Its like a little devil on my shoulder that I try blocking out. Its funny though because I always stop at crucial times in the game which makes it even harder to stop. I need less distractions in my life but online games will probably always be one of them and that's 100% ok with me.
Yes, it's very easy to get distracted these days if you spend a lot of time online and you need to do something. There is always something that will look more interesting than what you need to get done. Luckily with time I've learned to stay focus in my things otherwhise I'd be broke right now lol.
Well, yeah. Of course will be more distracted nowadays. The workload for people across all demographics is increasing, and our strength is decreasing. I can't even sit through a 2-hour lecture. There are other things I'd rather do with my time, so I get bored easily, which leads to my distraction.
I'm sorry what were you saying? I was too busy watching Youtube on my in-game Steam big picture mode while playing my Xbox ported game while using a DS4 controller. What were we talking about?
The answer is a clear yes.

The present generation don't have enough patience and not to mention that because of all the tech gadgets, they can get distracted quite easily....
The answer is a clear yes.

The present generation don't have enough patience and not to mention that because of all the tech gadgets, they can get distracted quite easily....

Gadgets may not be the only reason for people for being distracted. Not having strict punishments for being distracted in class, driving, and work can be a reason that people get distracted.

But, punishments in the past were more strict and violent where some people got hit with a wooden paddle or ruler for disrespecting their teacher, and parents.
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Yes. Heck, I know this about myself too, I can't stay focused on one thing for more than about an hour or two now, and always end up having multiple things on the go because of it.