Do you play more online games against friends or strangers?


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When there's an option to play against both, who do you using ending going against/playing with?

Personally, I probably spend more time playing games against/with people I know online than randoms. Especially when it comes to Mario Kart 7 (thank you communities) and Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon (where I usually choose friends instead of worldwide).

So what do you choose more?
I think it's more fun to play against strangers. I don't know what it is, it's just what I prefer.
Got some IRL friends i'l play League with. Then some people i've known online for awhile and kept in contact via steam.

I prefer playing with people I know but I own a lot of games that no one I know does/is willing to put any time into. So I generally end up playing with random strangers cept for a few games.
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I would rather play with friends or people I know than strangers. It's mostly because I get to share my experiences with others. And in terms of Brawl or something, get critiques on how I am playing and what I could improve on. That, and being able to know that you can mess around with others if you want.

Still, I am okay with strangers as well, even in Brawl or Mario Kart. I get to see what other people know, or how much they know while playing. If they know a lot, it'll be interesting..
I play against friends and siblings.
I don't really like playing too much with strangers.
I mostly play games online with strangers because I don't have many friends who actively play online games.
I've always played against siblings and some friends. I've never played with complete strangers.
I would choose to play against friends. I feel it more fun this way.