Will more cars come with smooth aerodynamic wheels to save gas and electricity?


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I feel more electric cars will come with smooth aerodynamic wheels which can make the car use less electricity to move the car, and possibly make it accelerate faster. Increasing the battery life of an electric car by using smooth wheels can be very important to electric car owners who live farther away from their work place, and decreases the risk of not having enough power to make it home or to a electric car charging station to charge their electric car.

But, I feel most gas car owners will rather have a fancy looking wheel which look less plain looking unless gas becomes very expensive where people need to find ways to make their car more fuel efficient by using a smooth wheel cover.
I hope so and I do believe that they would make the acceleration easier.
I just hope gas wouldn't become too expensive but.....to be honest, I think it would become expensive.
I think the acceleration would be slightly better with smooth wheel covers because there is less wind movement from a smooth wheel cover.

I also feel gas would be more expensive in the future.
just as long as the tires are durable.

There are some cars which come bundled flat hubcaps/wheelcovers for car's steel wheel. The design of the hubcaps/wheelcovers did not seem to make the tires less durable since it is not part of the tire or steel wheel which hold the tire.