Things that annoy you in video games?


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What are they? What things do you immediately dislike when you encounter them in a game?

For me, knockback is probably the biggest one. God I hate being thrown off a cliff by a bat or some other small (likely fast moving) flying creature, especially given how many games make every bit of damage have the same effect. Anyone who's played Castlevania or Ninja Gaiden probably knows this all too well...

Air meters too, simply because it seems like an annoying means of adding fake difficulty and slowing down the game in general.

But what things annoy you in games and why?
I hate bats and other flying creatures. It is one thing to be attacked by some monster but another thing to be attacked by bats or some other flying creatures which does too much damage. I also hate reset point in games, if it's too distant from the previous point.
I think you should be able to save (or the game should auto save, if there is an auto save feature on it instead) right before you go head-to-head with a boss. If the boss is particularly difficult and it takes me several tries to beat, I want to go back to right before the boss stage. I don't want to have to backtrack through 20 minutes of other stuff each time I die in the boss stage because that's the last time the game was saved and I don't have the option to save again until after the boss is beaten.
I think that's start missions which you don't want to complete, but you have to as they are scripted. Some of them are really silly.
Also, dialogs which are long and cannot be skipped. The most annoying thing about playing a game more than one time.
Oh, I hate not being able to skip past certain stuff. I'm always like, "This is boring! Let's get to playing."
I dislike long sidequests where you need to spend a long time to finish a sidequests.
Demon_Skeith Demon_Skeith

There are Mario games that, when you first play them, will start off with a little preview at the beginning where they are showing you the story that they game is based on. I wish I could skip that and just go straight to playing the game.
We still have the problem with open world games where you truly don't have complete freedom over your choices. I understand that it's harder to program a game like this but it would be wonderful for us to one day have a game where you can literally do whatever you want.
Cheaters, trollers, griefers, laggy servers, toxic community and the expensive price of some video games.
Massive difficulty spikes
Fighting/racing games where the CP is programmed unfairly
Portions of games that are borderline (or actually) impossible to figure out without a guide (I'm looking at you Legend of Mana)
Ridiculously high random encounter rates
it used to be this thing called 'back tracking' but when I do that more often in some games, I tend to go explore stuff that I might have missed. But mainly, its about the difficulty in CPU (competitive-wise) An example: you're on the last lap in mario kart 8, and suddenly you get the blue shell, resulting in losing your place in 1st. its those type of things, but I tend to get over it... sometimes. haha
it used to be this thing called 'back tracking' but when I do that more often in some games, I tend to go explore stuff that I might have missed. But mainly, its about the difficulty in CPU (competitive-wise) An example: you're on the last lap in mario kart 8, and suddenly you get the blue shell, resulting in losing your place in 1st. its those type of things, but I tend to get over it... sometimes. haha

My annoyance in Mario Kart is the rubber banding they put on the CP in the higher CC races, and how the heavy characters are supposed to have slow acceleration, but can hit top speed in 1/2 a second after being hit.