Writing Introduction: The Legend Of Sabershark


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It has come to my attention that today, the first of Sunrise, marks the anniversary of the eighty-two hundred years of legacy left by the man known as Sabershark.

It has been so long since his death, and while his early childhood is still unknown to us, it is a miracle that we even still keep a record of his adventures. Why, we have forgotten anyone before him, and anyone after him all too easily. And yet, Sabershark lives on, perhaps as a symbol of what we once were.

I for one, believe entirely that in this day and age, we forget all too easily about the truth behind our heroes. They are mere mortals, and as such have also been just as much a villain as they were a hero.

But, if Sabershark was such a villain, then why is his name still so loved after all this time? I find the truth to be simple, he is less of a hero, and more of a legend. He is praised, not for work he did, but what that work meant to us.

The difference between him and all of those who were before him are marginal. Sabershark did half of what King Eacarthos did. But, King Eacarthos is a footnote in our history while Sabershark is an entire chapter.

Maybe that is the ultimate reason, Sabershark didn't come from the royal family. His name was able to be cleaned up by the revolutionary ideals of the past three hundred years, as he was viewed as an anti-royalist.

The truth is much more complex than that of course. Sabershark did have connections with the royal family, and reportedly married one of the daughters of King Macarthos, but he never took up the throne, and seemed to be friendly with the peasant revolts of the time. He may have even caused the downfall of the royal family, but that former statement is up for debate, as that particular truth may never come out.

As a final statement on the matter of Sabershark, I only ask this. Who was Sabershark? And why do we idolize him so?

-Historian Chesterfield A. Earton

Sabershark was a figure of complex reasoning. He killed just as many as he saved. Perhaps, if we knew his childhood, we would be able to understand why he was this way. Maybe that is the appeal, the sinner turning into a saint.

I do often question just how real this figure was, or if he was the creation of multiple men. I have read “The Life And Death Of Sabershark” and think that it simply dances far too much around the truth behind Sabershark.

We don't really know who Sabershark is, or what Sabershark actually did. We only know that he was familiar with King Macarthos, and that he came from a family of ranchers, but everything else is entirely up to debate.

I personally believe that Sabershark was three different people. However I recognize that the records we have of Sabershark seem to act as if he was one person. I personally think that these records, which came over three hundred years after his apparent death, are simplifications and should be taken as more of myth rather than truth.

As for the recently discovered journals found in the basement of the former castle of the Xax family, I will not be able to answer for their accuracy until we complete our investigations. But, if they are actual records of the reign of King Macarthos, we have a chance of finding out more about Sabershark.

As for my final statement, I'll simply add that I do think Sabershark is important to history, we just need to find out what he actually did.

-Historian Vivienne Cassano

The records in Xax Castle? Those are under investigation so I can't say much. I personally can't wait to get my hands on them, but Dr. Vivienne has requested them first.

As for what they might contain, I'd at least like to think that they will have a few records of Sabershark, probably mostly his major feats. It'll be nice to have some solid evidence to what he actually did.

As for what I think of “The Life And Death Of Sabershark”, I believe that its many simplifications become rather harmful, after all, the idea that Sabershark came from poverty is preposterous. He clearly had money, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to get anywhere near King Macarthos…

-Historian Chesterfield A. Earton

I've been busy as hell these past few weeks. We not only found journals inside of the basement of the former castle of the royal family, we found multiple records, guns, clothes, soulstones, jewelry, even a watch at one point. Fucking hell, we basically found the entire outfit Sabershark was wearing when he died. So far, we have records of his late childhood all the way up to his death.

It's bigger than you would ever realize, I mean the story is so much more interesting now, the legend is so much greater now. We actually know what Sabershark did. And it's exciting.

-Historian Vivienne Cassano

I am in shock. We have the story of Sabershark. We also have the story of King Macarthos and Princess Racarthos. We've even learned of new historical figures. Figures we never even knew existed. This is a great day for Sabershark historians...

...as for who gets to write the book based off of these records. Well, that is up to the highest bidder.

-Historian Chesterfield A. Earton
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