One thing that you're willing to pay for twice?


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Full GL Member
Is there anything out there which you'd be interested in paying for it's price because of how worthy you feel having such item fits the bill?

If I think about it very closely, I would say that it's going to be my oil perfume. It smells so good that I feel the price isn't anywhere near its worth.
Wait, you asking if we buy something twice or if we be willing to pay twice the price for it?
It has got to be paying for a plate of grilled chicken everytime! I like to eat it as one of my best food especially on weekends.
I am willing to pay twice the price for a slice of pizza because I love the taste of pizza.
If it's a cause I support like some really good game then maybe. But otherwise I will try to support said cause by buying merch instead.
It depends on what the item is. And how often do I have to pay that price for that item.

I can't think of anything at the moment but I'll get back to you if I think of something.
Pepperoni is my favorite type of Pizza.
I also love eating that too. It's very tasty.

It depends on what the item is. And how often do I have to pay that price for that item.

I can't think of anything at the moment but I'll get back to you if I think of something.
I will be looking forward to hearing what that's going to be for you.
Anything which helps to keep my health in good condition, I wouldn't mind paying for it twice. It's when one is in good condition one can do other things.
I would pay double to help a charity out. But I wouldn't need the trinket & what-nots they give out.