Warren Buffett rings the alarm on AI, comparing it to the atomic bomb


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  • Warren Buffett issued a grave warning about artificial intelligence.
  • The Berkshire Hathaway CEO predicted it would supercharge fraud by making scams far more convincing.
  • The investor likened AI to the atom bomb, saying the world has let the "genie out of the bottle."

Warren Buffett has raised the alarm on AI, warning it threatens to supercharge fraud by making scams more convincing than ever.

"Scamming has always been part of the American scene," the famed investor and Berkshire CEO said during his company's annual shareholder meeting on Saturday.

But Buffett said that images and videos created using artificial intelligence have become so convincing that it's virtually impossible to discern if they're real or not.

When you think of the potential of scamming people … if I was interested in scamming, it's going to be the growth industry of all time," he said.

He recalled seeing a deepfake video of himself that a fraudster was using to ask strangers for cash.

"I practically would have sent money to myself over in some crazy country," he quipped.

Buffett also likened the advent of AI to the creation of the atom bomb, echoing comments he made at last year's Berkshire meeting.

"We let the genie out of the bottle when we developed nuclear weapons," he said. "That genie's been doing some terrible things lately. The power of the genie scares the hell out of me."

"AI is somewhat similar," Buffett added. "We may wish we'd never seen that genie."

The billionaire, who touted AI's enormous potential years before ChatGPT's release, emphasized he's no expert in the nascent tech.

"I don't know anything about AI, but that doesn't mean I deny its existence or importance or anything of the sort," he said.

SOURCE: Warren Buffett rings the alarm on AI, comparing it to the atomic bomb and warning it will supercharge fraud

What do you guys think about Warren Buffet’s thoughs on AI? Do you agree with him or not really?
I’m not for AI. Humans build AI but who’s to say that the fail safes will work in the end if the AI is meant to be Intelligent & to keep on learning. It can do so without the interference we humans have: emotions such as guilt, sadness, etc.
I would be concerned if there were more malware and poor moral hackers that use ChatGPT to develop ways to get to other computers remotely or breach major corporate businesses' computer security to stop work for extended periods. Especially in the supply chains, not that there's always a plan for those and IT. I kind of wonder what degree of freedom AI would have to be sentient out of an internal/limited external purpose.
Hopefully, the government and AI companies can prevent criminals from using AI for illegal activities like scamming people.
If the AI is like Elena's "human like" stuff with nice physical PLOT features, from Star Ocean The Divine Force I am good lol
