Who else hates getting slapped?


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Okay, so one thing that I hate so much in my life is getting slapped in the face. I don't take it lightly with anyone except my mother. She's the only person who can slap me and I won't twitch about it. I have watched some videos online where some ladies get physically violent with their boyfriend and even slap them in public. I'm never going to let you off easily if that ever happens.
I can't help but feel like most people dislike getting slapped. Although I do find it odd how many people view slapping as an innocent action when most legal systems will gladly determine that it is assault.
Yes but who would ever do it to me?
I can't help but feel like most people dislike getting slapped. Although I do find it odd how many people view slapping as an innocent action when most legal systems will gladly determine that it is assault.
I would gladly take a punch in the body than a slap in the face. I'd fume all day cos of a slap.
I don't like being slapped in the face. I feel it can be very dangerous to get slap in the face since someone can get an eye, ear, neck or nose injury which can cause injuries which don't heal for the rest of the person's life.
Don't think I've ever been slapped, not sure how I would react if I did.
My ex did slapped me once. We were in a fight and I was trying to pull away from her but she kept dragging me. In an effort to block her from hold my clothes, my hand went on her b**bs and the next thing I heard was Saaaaaaaaaaa on my face.

It took 3 weeks before I spoke to her again and she got all her friends begging me to forgive her that it was a mistake. Mistake my black a**!!
My ex did slapped me once. We were in a fight and I was trying to pull away from her but she kept dragging me. In an effort to block her from hold my clothes, my hand went on her b**bs and the next thing I heard was Saaaaaaaaaaa on my face.

It took 3 weeks before I spoke to her again and she got all her friends begging me to forgive her that it was a mistake. Mistake my black a**!!

I have never gotten slapped by anyone that is not my parents. I mean your ex did something terrible in this situation and that is something that I hate so much.
I have never gotten slapped by anyone that is not my parents. I mean your ex did something terrible in this situation and that is something that I hate so much.
Yeah, it was the last time she ever tried it till we broke up. She knew right there it was a line she should never cross.
Yeah, it was the last time she ever tried it till we broke up. She knew right there it was a line she should never cross.

Good thing you didn't let such repeat itself again. Such a behavior is something that is unacceptable and one I wouldn't want to experience.
It depends on who slapped. If it were my parents, they have the power and right to do so but anyone else, they get slapped back harder.
If I ever got slapped for real, im knocking that person the hell out.
I don't think anyone enjoys being slapped. It's not an achievement or rewarding experience to be looked for.