What's the worst physical pains you have been through?

Throwing my back out.
Breaking my ankle two years ago was the worst pain that I’ve ever felt. I also broke the other one a year prior to that smh

My ankles do this too. It really sucks.
How did you break your ankle? Was it from playing football? It happened to me once but it wasn't very serious. I just sprained it a little bit.
The first time i broke it was from playing basketball. I went for a rebound and landed on my ankle wrong smh.
Awch, that sounds very painful. Ankle injury can be nasty it would require surgery sometimes. I can't forget what happened to Hazard when he went to Real Madrid.
An accident occurred here yesterday where a truck's break failed and it ended up killing a lot of people. Those who were killed instantly got mercy unlike those who lost their both legs, arms and there was a lady that was cut in half and she was alive for a while before passing out. I believe that's the worst kind of physical pains someone can pass through.
That must have been awful to see :( I can only imagine what they were going through.

I would say the worst physical pain I have been through is childbirth followed by when I had gallstones and they were causing attacks, that would have to be the second worst kind of pain I have been through.
That must have been awful to see :( I can only imagine what they were going through.

I would say the worst physical pain I have been through is childbirth followed by when I had gallstones and they were causing attacks, that would have to be the second worst kind of pain I have been through.
Women who gives birth freely with ease are so very lucky. Immediately their water broke, the baby is out with no stress.