Ever been stuck in an elevator?


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I have seen this happen in a lot movies and most of the time, those stuck inside seem to be very calm. I'm not sure if I would because I have seen a lot of horror movies where crazy things happens when people get trapped in an elevator.
No and its my fear too, I've also had to use it more recently due to me over exerting my legs last weekend.
No and its my fear too, I've also had to use it more recently due to me over exerting my legs last weekend.
I would freak out if it suddenly went dark in the elevator once it stops and the emergency generator doesn't kick in immediately.
I don't go to many places that would utilize an elevator, or escalator even. I have never been stuck in one. I wouldn't be scared but I would be concerned highly :)
I don't go to many places that would utilize an elevator, or escalator even. I have never been stuck in one. I wouldn't be scared but I would be concerned highly :)
If you watched a lot of horror movies where people get killed in different ways being in them, it will affect your psychology about being in them and it gets stucked :)
I've almost been stuck in one! It just wouldn't do anything for a couple minutes. Luckily I was with my partner and we didn't have anyone else in so it would have been quiet if we were stuck.
I've almost been stuck in one! It just wouldn't do anything for a couple minutes. Luckily I was with my partner and we didn't have anyone else in so it would have been quiet if we were stuck.
Elevator accidents can be very nasty. I'm happy to to hear you guy were very okay in the end.
I have not had this situation and it ks going to be a scary moment to be in that situation where I was stuck in an elevator.
I am telling you! I will definitely freak out when I am in such a situation. It is not something to joke with.
I keep having these crazy thoughts what if the cables holding the elevator fails...and we fall down crashing hard...?
I haven't been stuck in the elevator. I don't use it often to be unfortunate with getting caught up in it. I would definitely freak out if I'm trapped alone in it.
One of my worst fears is getting stuck in an elevator, unfortunately, due to an accident I had as a child when I fell from the top of an escalator to the bottom, no one stopped to try to catch me or ask my mum if I was okay, I will not use escalators so elevators are the only choice.

So far, I have not gotten stuck in an elevator and I hope to never do so.
One of my worst fears is getting stuck in an elevator, unfortunately, due to an accident I had as a child when I fell from the top of an escalator to the bottom, no one stopped to try to catch me or ask my mum if I was okay, I will not use escalators so elevators are the only choice.

So far, I have not gotten stuck in an elevator and I hope to never do so.
I don't see it as anything that is going to be fun. Someone who's a afraid of tight and small spaces will collapse in there.