If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?


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For me, I'd love to be able to make portals or pyrokinesis. I love traveling but it would also be a really convenient power to have. No more traffic! Pyrokinesis because flames are awesome.
Well, probably to control the time.
Or may be fly across and have the ability to live in space for a month o.o
I can't choose just one ;_;
Make stuff I want appear at will if I'm thinking small scale and just for personal benefit.

If I want to change the world I'd want to be able to manipulate reality.
@Claraviolet those are both some good ones so I can see the predicament. Is there anywhere in space you'd want to go or see specifically?
@Burnsy Oooh, these are both cool too! Very convenient ability. Manipulate reality in what way?
@cpvr @froggyboy604 Is there any specific place that you'd want to fly to?
@Claraviolet those are both some good ones so I can see the predicament. Is there anywhere in space you'd want to go or see specifically?
@Burnsy Oooh, these are both cool too! Very convenient ability. Manipulate reality in what way?
@cpvr @froggyboy604 Is there any specific place that you'd want to fly to?
I could travel the world without paying for a plane ticket, lmao. I’d be able to see sights that wouldn’t have been possible before. Having the ability to fly would make that happen.

Cracking Up Lol GIF
Hopping through alternate realities, and if they don't exist for real, then alternate artificial realities.

I did remember saying something like this before, but time skipping would be neat too. So if any day in the future would result in my death, whether it be of natural causes or physical harm, that day would be wiped from reality and replaced with one where I didn't die and didn't get hurt. So it's a future-proof power.
@Claraviolet those are both some good ones so I can see the predicament. Is there anywhere in space you'd want to go or see specifically?
@Burnsy Oooh, these are both cool too! Very convenient ability. Manipulate reality in what way?
@cpvr @froggyboy604 Is there any specific place that you'd want to fly to?
Well, not really.
I just wanna see the auroras of space, planets, galaxies. Space is really beautiful but deadly ;_;
@Claraviolet those are both some good ones so I can see the predicament. Is there anywhere in space you'd want to go or see specifically?
@Burnsy Oooh, these are both cool too! Very convenient ability. Manipulate reality in what way?
@cpvr @froggyboy604 Is there any specific place that you'd want to fly to?

I feel I want to just feel the sensation of flying in the air like a bird. I mostly want to fly short distances since I am afraid I will get lost if I fly too far.
What I want to happen happens....
I respect that.

I could travel the world without paying for a plane ticket, lmao. I’d be able to see sights that wouldn’t have been possible before. Having the ability to fly would make that happen.
You aren't lying about those flight tickets lol. You make a really valid point!

Hopping through alternate realities, and if they don't exist for real, then alternate artificial realities.

I did remember saying something like this before, but time skipping would be neat too. So if any day in the future would result in my death, whether it be of natural causes or physical harm, that day would be wiped from reality and replaced with one where I didn't die and didn't get hurt. So it's a future-proof power.
Both are pretty interesting! Of all the possibilities of alternative realities, which would you be the most interested in seeing?

Either teleportation or power over shadows, both seem cool to me.
Nice! In what way would you manipulate shadows or is there a certain character you take inspiration from?

Well, not really.
I just wanna see the auroras of space, planets, galaxies. Space is really beautiful but deadly ;_;
I see. Facts though!

I feel I want to just feel the sensation of flying in the air like a bird. I mostly want to fly short distances since I am afraid I will get lost if I fly too far.
I see. That's completely fair lol
I don't want one, Because my avatar is Batman (from the Terra occulta universe written by Warren Ellis) and Batman does not have one -technically speaking lol- and he can beat all the other super heroes and villains with super powers lol
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Both are pretty interesting! Of all the possibilities of alternative realities, which would you be the most interested in seeing?
I guess it would take some math to find it, but I wouldn't mind if I was born rich and developed video games at a younger age so I could actually finish them. I'll still have to see.
I don't want one, Because my avatar is Batman (from the Terra occulta universe written by Warren Ellis) and Batman does not have one -technically speaking lol- and he can beat all the other super heroes and villains with super powers lol
Lol you do have point. All you need is prep time!

I guess it would take some math to find it, but I wouldn't mind if I was born rich and developed video games at a younger age so I could actually finish them. I'll still have to see.
I feel that! Have you finish developing any games?
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