Favorite Videogame OST


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Always on the lookout for more ost to listen to. If I had to choose a favorite though, I think it would be Kingdom Hearts. I feel like there are so many memorable tracks throughout the series.
A few of my top games are Final Fantasy 1 through 10, Persona series, Nier series, and Dot hack series.
A few of my top games are Final Fantasy 1 through 10, Persona series, Nier series, and Dot hack series.
I do love FF as well! Though the ost I like come from FF7,13, and 16. I do need the check out the rest. The others ones I haven't heard any of the ost either but I'll definitely check it out.
I do love FF as well! Though the ost I like come from FF7,13, and 16. I do need the check out the rest. The others ones I haven't heard any of the ost either but I'll definitely check it out.

Still playing 16 myself, so not sure if the OST will keep being good enough.