
  1. Demon_Skeith

    PS4 PS4 Save Editor Software Can Modify Games

    A Japanese company called Cyber Gadget will release a Save Editor PC software on March 6th 2017 that will allow users to edit save files for PlayStation 4 games. A one-user license for the software costs 7,800 yen (about US$69), and a three-user license costs 14,800 yen (about US$131). This...
  2. froggyboy604

    Twitter Used As A Weapon To Give ‘Vanity Fair’ Editor A Seizure

    How did this happen, you ask? As you might know, rapidly flashing images/lights can provoke a seizure in people, especially if you’re someone who is epileptic. This seems to be something that Twitter user @jew_goldstein knew when he/she posted an flashing GIF directed at Vanity Fair and Newsweek...
  3. froggyboy604

    Facebook’s Trending Topics computer algorithm already screwed up

    Three days after Facebook said it would remove the human editors who curate the Trending topics section and replace them with a purely algorithmic system, the company trended a fake news story about Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly. This also isn’t the first time since the dismissal of human editors...