lost ark

  1. ZackMorlin

    Lost Ark Academy:Summoner Advanced Class Identity and Engravings

    On December 14, the Summoner Advanced Class will arrive in Arkesia with the December Update. Despite their delicate constitution, Summoners are a force to be reckoned with in any battle. They call forth elemental spirits to fight for them, each with their own special skills to help the Summoner...
  2. ZackMorlin

    Lost Ark Auction House Changes Roll Out Globally

    The Auction House in Lost Ark has been seeing some widely reported issues, and the team rolled out a patch in Europe Central and North America East to try and address the issues before rolling changes out widely. If you are looking for Lost Ark Gold, just Google search Not_AllowedNot_AllowedNot_AllowedNot_AllowedNot_Allowed and check it out...
  3. ZackMorlin

    Lost Ark Academy Reaper Skill categories: Dagger, Shadow, and Swoop skills

    The Reaper has three Skill categories; Dagger, Shadow, and Swoop skills. Dagger and Shadow skills are used to charge up Persona and Chaos Modes, and Swoop skills are heavily amplified by Persona— allowing the Reaper to unleash devastating attacks. If you are looking for Lost Ark Gold, just...
  4. ZackMorlin

    Lost Ark Academy REAPER Key Mechanics and Class Engravings

    Heroes of Arkesia, On November 16, the Reaper Advanced Class will arrive in Arkesia. Reapers are true Assassins, and masters of stealth. From powerful back-attacks inflicted by their daggers to misleading opponents by vanishing and summoning clones, Reapers have a variety of tools at their...
  5. ZackMorlin

    Lost Ark Vykas Inferno and Achates Trial Academy

    The recent Mystics and Mayhem Update included the Inferno Vykas Legion Raid and the Achates Trial Guardian Raid. While Legion Raids prove to be a challenging experience for many— Inferno takes it to the next level. It’s all about proving you’re the among the best of the best in Arkesia and...
  6. ZackMorlin

    Lost Ark:Mystics and Mayhem release notes

    The October “Mystics and Mayhem” Update arrives in Arkesia tomorrow. Downtime for the update will begin on October 26 at 12AM PDT (7AM UTC) and is expected to last 4 hours. Celebrate Autumn and the scary season with new costumes, a new Harvest Festival event, and a horrifying gauntlet of...