
  1. masquezane01

    *Player_0010110 joined the game* Greetings fellow gamers!

    So glad I found a site like this! Most of the time I only interact with fellow gamers on Reddit and YouTube. I wish I knew this site years ago when I'm still a full-time gamer like most of you guys. Oh well, change is real lol. From a full-time gamer to a full-time employee real quick. I found...
  2. kurtricatura

    new here~

    Hello everyone my name is Kurtrica but you can call me Kurt or Rica :) I love anime but I am quite new to gaming. Hoping to learn more about games and gaming in general! Let's be friends too!
  3. Xilkozuf

    Hello everybody!

    Hello there! I'm new here, just joined this forum but I've been a gamer since I was.. probably 10, don't know. Brief experience with consoles (PS1, PS2) at the start, now I'm mostly a PC gamer with a Steam addiction. I don't really have a favorite genre, I play almost everything except maybe...
  4. seshmesh77

    Hello, Just Another Newbie Here Enjoying What I See!

    Really liking the fluidity of this forum, I can't wait to interact with some of you guys. Be warned though I am a Playstation enthusiast, lol :D
  5. Vall

    Hey everyone!

    Hey there everyone, I'm Vall and I love video games :) I've been playing games since as far as I can remember, starting with the Crash Bandicoot games on the PlayStation 1. At the moment i'm trying out different genres and taking a more relaxed approach to gaming after playing an MMORPG for an...