10 real life deaths caused by video games

Okay, I couldn't finish watching that. Too many messed up people out there.
I didn't watch it but I've heard a few stories. All you have to be is sane and you're fine. Problems arise mainly from obsessing and not leaving the game. The story that sticks out in my head was someone who died because he didn't drink water because he wouldn't leave his computer.
I didn't watch it but I've heard a few stories. All you have to be is sane and you're fine. Problems arise mainly from obsessing and not leaving the game. The story that sticks out in my head was someone who died because he didn't drink water because he wouldn't leave his computer.

I'm guessing the guy had a shit bucket as well.
Heard it on the news once from a 14 year old went insane from playing Grand theft auto 4 and killed both of his parents. Police said that he thought it was reality and thought he will do it.
Heard it on the news once from a 14 year old went insane from playing Grand theft auto 4 and killed both of his parents. Police said that he thought it was reality and thought he will do it.

I think I remember posting that here before, but yeah some need mental tests before doing anything.
They need to watch and play the play school theme. That's insane.
Some people can be so stupid. Wow ...
I have nothing against gaming and love it myself, but you should always know your limits :rolleyes:
Oh my god, I remembered seeing a video like this a few months ago and I can tell that some people don't really know how to manage their impulses, I guess... I was really surprised by the fact that they didn't nothing to the 8 year old boy, I mean... he killed her grandmother. And also, everything in excess is bad, but I think that some people know how to manage those excesses at the point that they don't affect their lives... people are kind of crazy, man.
I think a big take away from that video is that a lot of the people mentioned in it were teenagers or younger. Parents should be more involved in monitoring their kids gaming habits and making sure that they aren't allowed to play whatever they want for however long they want. There should also be some kind of law to regulate the use of internet cafes. Maybe make a person sign in and then only be allowed to use a computer for a certain amount of time? That way people aren't able to sit there for 40+ hours straight and end up in a situation where they die.
Some sad stuff, but of course none of these are the games fault. Gamemakers do often play on people's ocd tendencies, but obsession to the point of malnutrition? I hate those violent outburst during online gaming stories, the games not real, but the rage is and a lot of the violence is people going way overboard. There was already that potential for an outburst or tragedy with these people which is why it's so important to maintain face to face interaction on a more personal level as a friend or family member, especially the parents.
I agree with you WhoseKiwi WhoseKiwi. There are also some studies that show gaming violence =/= to real life violence and that's also the case for me. For sure I react different to something I know is happening inside of a game on the base of pixels, compared to someone punching/shooting in real life.
Right now it's 2016 and people still haven't come over it and still want to believe that it's the video games' fault.
Yeah I believe most of these are caused because the person is unstable, not because of the games... If people can't handle themselves, they shouldn't play anything. Some people... God. Why can't some people just realize it's a GAME, not something real, and that the obsession they have with it isn't healthy at all. If you play games to the point you think they're your reality, I'd suggest turning your console off.
Yeah, I was pretty shocked when I first heard about gamers succumbing to this issue. Especially when the gaming cafes started popping up over seas. It really makes you aware of whether or not you've been spending a little too much time on the console these days. I'm just glad people are willing to acknowledge that this can be a problem. If it were up to me, I would make rules that apply a time limit where it shuts off and requires the player to do something active untill they are qualified to get back online.