10 Worst Game Consoles Ever


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Does anyone know any of the systems on this list? I've only herd of two.
I only heard of 32X. It was so stupid. They came out with it then a few compatible games then it was over. It was suppose to switch the 16bit Genesis graphics to 32bits but it really was not any better. I didn't waste my money on it though.
I've heard of many of them...

Sega's 32X, Philips CD-i, apple's pippin, Nintendo's Virtual Boy, the 3DO and Atari's Jaguar.

I'm surprised the N-gage wasn't on the list. Though there were a few on that list I hadn't heard of... (The ActionMax being one. )
Why does the one on the thumbnail of the video look like a part of a lawn mower with a terrible remote attached to it?  :gamerage:
I've heard of one or two. As for the rest, they look kinda new to me. xD
I've heard of 3, I actually had the number 1 worst on that list (Nintendo's Virtual boy).

Got it when I was around 7 or 8 years old.

I remember getting it and my hopes being so high due to the "Virtual Boy" name tagged on to it, I thought It was going to be like being inside the game or something lol.

It ended up being terrible and I grew completely tired of it after 30 minutes, threw it away like a week later.