Multi 2 new Sonic games coming soon


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Sega has announced two new Sonic games - one that's a retro remake of sorts and one that's completely new.

The new game is dubbed Project Sonic and is due next autumn. It's in development for NX, PC, PS4 and Xbox One. A cinematic trailer announced it and heavily suggested there will be co-op. Sonic is joined by another Sonic while he runs towards a giant Robotnik, presumably, and the video's tagline reads: "When things look their darkest, even heroes need a helping hand."

The retro remake, meanwhile, is called Sonic Mania, and it re-imagines bits from Sonic 1, 2 and 3, and Sonic CD. There are new zones and acts plus a new drop-dash ability.

Sonic Mania is being released spring 2017 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Sonic and 2D platform? Well the series might live yet.
I haven't been able to get into Sonic anymore since Adventure 1 and 2. I've played all of them, but I just never enjoyed them. I don't even think I finished beating the one with the 'classic' sonic and the new sonic characters which I guess this new 2017 one is going to follow the same model of it. So yea.. probably not going to be interested. The 2D one seems like it could be worth a look though.